well I've decided that selling a home is a costly adventure.
I've spent a week and my house is more destroyed now, than I could have ever accomplished if I'da had a keg party. Stuff everywhere. You name it, it is there! I purchased some boxes...fat good those have done me. I need to box things up. Husband says we should trash stuff. Funny how it seems to be my stuff he wants to trash. *smirk
My mother made me curtains for my kitchen. They took two days. All was well though. It took me two days and losing my religion to scrape the stupid-a$$ border off my bathroom wall.
note to self*Never again will I buy wallpaper, support the use of wallpaper or have a room that has wallpaper PERIOD.*
What a task. I scored, I scraped, I sprayed with wallpaper remover, and scored and scraped again and again cursing all the while. I never knew that a simple border around a bathroom that is at best the size of a handicapped stall would fill one trashbag full of border reminants. Man did I curse myself for putting that up. What was I thinking? It was so bad, I ended up saying the heck with this...and painting kilz atop it. It looks good now... :>O
So I wonder, do I go through all this and not get what I think it is worth? I hope not. We will be meeting with a realtor before I spend any more money or take on any other projects that will in the end, kick me in the butt!
Oh, I was LOLing at your description of taking off the wallpaper border--I had to do that in a house three years ago, and I swore the same vow you did! Why do they make those things so impossible to remove???
girl, I don't know...you can't get the stuff to stay on the wall and you CAN'T get it off when you want it gone...lol.
What a nightmare!
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