Monday, October 16, 2006 stealing bitches...

Guess want to steal're gonna get all the shit I have to say about you stealing personal blogs plastered all-over your thieving site.


if you subscribe to this site, their shit is all STOLEN.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Welp it's Friday and to say that I am annoyed is the least of my problems

Seriously. At times I just wonder about people and what they do. I even wonder why I am posting on this blog. No one reads it, no one cares. Do any of my friends have blogs? Is it wise to share too much personal information? Who even has time to keep up with reading tons of blogs?

Friday, September 08, 2006

2996: 9*11 we will never forget.

Robert D. Higley.

Twenty-nine years old with a life full of promise. Robert Higley was 29 years old on that September morning in 2001. Just three months to the day prior to 9/11 Robert accepted a job with Aon Risk Management Services. He was officed in World Trade Tower 2. Robert had a promising career and life. In his short time with Aon he had already been promoted to run a national campaign. He worked on the 92nd floor. He was a father and a husband, a son, a dear friend. At the time of his death, he and his wife Vycki had a daughter that was 4 ½ . Amanda lost her father before the age of five. Vycki was eight months pregnant with their second child. She fondly remembers them discussing names for their second daughter. In honor of Robert, Vycki named their second daughter Robyn. She will only know her father through pictures and stories.

Robert has been described as being fun loving, sarcastic, humorous and simply put wonderful. At the age of four he developed a bond with three other boys in Connecticut. That bond lasted a lifetime. These three comrades are now godfathers to his daughters Amanda and Robyn.

One out of 2,996 individual souls that lost their lives on 9/11. One no more important or less important than the other. All were mothers or fathers, brothers or sisters, children, and someone's best friend. Their lives taken from them. They taken from their loved ones. It hits home more than anything because I too was 29 when the towers fell. My daughter is just three months older than Robyn.

One of 2,996 individual souls. One no more important or less important than the other.

Monday, July 10, 2006

crap, has it been THIS long

I guess to some degree it seems pointless to update a blog. I don't really know that anyone reads it. I don't read other's blogs, so I guess I don't give it much thought.

Well I had to put down my beloved golden retreiver on 6/5/2006. She was ready to go. I miss her terribly but I know she's in a better place and not suffering. I suppose I held on too long. She was ready to go and it broke my heart but in the end, I know it was the best for her. I just wish I could have been a better owner. I would have done some things over again, but for the most part, I wouldn't trade any of the moments I had with a dedicated and faithful companion that she was. She will always be missed in our household and I don't know that I will ever find another to replace her.

So moving on with an update of sorts, Abigail turned 5 on 6/22/06! God where have the years gone? She's such a little girl now. She starts school in August and is very excited about attending and meeting new people.

Things other than that are running smoothly. I've been off the pill since April, but no baby yet. I'm not sure if the timing just hasn't been there or if I have other problems. I'm starting to feel the urgency of having another. Abigail is already going to be nearly six if I get pregnant within the next month or two.

Well, I gotta be running for now, I'll add more to my blog sooner than later.

Friday, April 28, 2006

Suduko down dammit

no suduko dammit. I don't know why I'm even troubled by writing this other than I have just joined the suduko band wagon and discovered the complexitites of my inner mind being tormented by a puzzle that is labeled easy. Easy my ass, haven't solved one yet. Sooo...I go for my Suduko fix...damn site is down.

What is this world coming to?

Sunday, April 16, 2006

hippity-hoppity...Easter came and went.

ah...Easter has come and gone. I do hope that the good Lord forgives us for not be present in his house today. The easter bunny left Abby clothes. He got it from a good source that she needed clothes badly.
Not much else happening...just getting prepared for my scrapbook room. I've been going through my stuff. Now all I need is for my furniture choices to be put on sale. Yeah, THAT'S ALL I need. *sigh*...perhaps soon. I can't decide how I'm going to go with my room to tell you the truth. I wanted to do an Asian flare but now I'm leaning towards pink and brown. I just LOVE that combination.
ah well, the evening is winding down and I have some serious work and studying to do so I better run.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

did someone say bluebonnets?

yes, it is that time again my friends, where you trapesy through the bluebonnets and take marvelous pictures of our children. Funny little story about this year's trip. We went Monday afternoon. Abby was very excited to do this. She picked out her dress, got herself ready and we were about to leave when Mark got the call that he had to play a softball game. Now this isn't out of the ordinary on a Monday, it was just out of our thought process for the day. So he is low on gas, we run him out to the park for his ball game and I head to get gas myself. I get gas and we are off to take pictures. The whole while talking this up and a positive experience. We drive and drive to find the perfect patch that was accessible. We find it! I park, we get out, I snap THREE shots and I hear, "I gotta go potty!" *sigh* "Can it wait baby?" "no! I really have to go." "But baby, we just got here and all I need is a few more pictures." With a sense of urgency I couldn't ignore, "NO, I GOTTA GO, I GOTTA GO, I GOTTA GO BAD MOMMY!!!" Then comes the crying and the face that expresses a slip has occurred. So we run back to the car, load up and head into town for her to potty in my office building.
We made it just in time. All was well after that, we got good shots and she posed for me almost totally cooperatively. Almost.