Thursday, June 30, 2005

today's another scorcher.

It's Me...and nobody else!
I drove the mustang to work today. It has no ac. My daughter loves to ride in it, but doesn't like to have the top down. So we ride around the heat, in a convertible.

She does love it though.

So we got rain last week...but it was the first time it has rained in 23 days. I am so over this high over it.

We went bowling last night. Now let me explain something to you, I'm not a "bowler". Honestly, I've only played about 4 times in my life and last night was #4. Yeah. That's about all I can say. My score for my first game was 65. My score for my second game was 77.
I progressed. Not and an exciting rate, but I progresses.
In fact the score from my first game was my total score for three games nearly two weeks ago. All and all not to shabby, but I was bowling with some pros. Man considering the fact that my husband grew up in a bowling alley, I thought he'd be better (like strikes all the time kinda stuff)...not really so much.

I'm about to call and ask a question on our house. I'm wanting to know if I change something after the contract...if it will cost more.
*sigh* we shall see.

I suppose that is it for today. I guess I'm blogged out.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

It's Me...and nobody else!

It's Me...and nobody else!

So I'm tired today. Two cups of coffee and a diet coke have done nothing to wake me. I stayed up too late last night.

I'm getting nervous about some of the life changes we are going forth with. Selling our house and doubling our house payment is a BIG step. I just hope we know what we are doing. I will just keep the faith.

Hopefully knowing when we might be getting in too deep.

I was reminded yet again that I need to lose some weight this morning. I don't understand how I can buy two pairs of pants that are the same size, same cut, and even the same brand and they fit me VERY different? Serves me right for grabbing them off the shelf without "trying them on".

Monday, June 27, 2005

well I've decided that selling a home is a costly adventure.

I've spent a week and my house is more destroyed now, than I could have ever accomplished if I'da had a keg party. Stuff everywhere. You name it, it is there! I purchased some boxes...fat good those have done me. I need to box things up. Husband says we should trash stuff. Funny how it seems to be my stuff he wants to trash. *smirk

My mother made me curtains for my kitchen. They took two days. All was well though. It took me two days and losing my religion to scrape the stupid-a$$ border off my bathroom wall.

note to self*Never again will I buy wallpaper, support the use of wallpaper or have a room that has wallpaper PERIOD.*

What a task. I scored, I scraped, I sprayed with wallpaper remover, and scored and scraped again and again cursing all the while. I never knew that a simple border around a bathroom that is at best the size of a handicapped stall would fill one trashbag full of border reminants. Man did I curse myself for putting that up. What was I thinking? It was so bad, I ended up saying the heck with this...and painting kilz atop it. It looks good now... :>O

So I wonder, do I go through all this and not get what I think it is worth? I hope not. We will be meeting with a realtor before I spend any more money or take on any other projects that will in the end, kick me in the butt!