did someone say bluebonnets?

yes, it is that time again my friends, where you trapesy through the bluebonnets and take marvelous pictures of our children. Funny little story about this year's trip. We went Monday afternoon. Abby was very excited to do this. She picked out her dress, got herself ready and we were about to leave when Mark got the call that he had to play a softball game. Now this isn't out of the ordinary on a Monday, it was just out of our thought process for the day. So he is low on gas, we run him out to the park for his ball game and I head to get gas myself. I get gas and we are off to take pictures. The whole while talking this up and a positive experience. We drive and drive to find the perfect patch that was accessible. We find it! I park, we get out, I snap THREE shots and I hear, "I gotta go potty!" *sigh* "Can it wait baby?" "no! I really have to go." "But baby, we just got here and all I need is a few more pictures." With a sense of urgency I couldn't ignore, "NO, I GOTTA GO, I GOTTA GO, I GOTTA GO BAD MOMMY!!!" Then comes the crying and the face that expresses a slip has occurred. So we run back to the car, load up and head into town for her to potty in my office building.
We made it just in time. All was well after that, we got good shots and she posed for me almost totally cooperatively. Almost.
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