Monday, July 10, 2006

crap, has it been THIS long

I guess to some degree it seems pointless to update a blog. I don't really know that anyone reads it. I don't read other's blogs, so I guess I don't give it much thought.

Well I had to put down my beloved golden retreiver on 6/5/2006. She was ready to go. I miss her terribly but I know she's in a better place and not suffering. I suppose I held on too long. She was ready to go and it broke my heart but in the end, I know it was the best for her. I just wish I could have been a better owner. I would have done some things over again, but for the most part, I wouldn't trade any of the moments I had with a dedicated and faithful companion that she was. She will always be missed in our household and I don't know that I will ever find another to replace her.

So moving on with an update of sorts, Abigail turned 5 on 6/22/06! God where have the years gone? She's such a little girl now. She starts school in August and is very excited about attending and meeting new people.

Things other than that are running smoothly. I've been off the pill since April, but no baby yet. I'm not sure if the timing just hasn't been there or if I have other problems. I'm starting to feel the urgency of having another. Abigail is already going to be nearly six if I get pregnant within the next month or two.

Well, I gotta be running for now, I'll add more to my blog sooner than later.